#!/usr/bin/env perl # # calendar.pl $VERSION = "1.2"; # # Copyright (c) 2003 Jacob Luna Lundberg # # Perl script to create a calendar in the form of a chunk of html # suitable for inclusion into a web page via shtml. The calendar # is marked up according to the configuration file calendar.dat. # # This source is distributed under the GPL, version 2 or at your # convenience, any later version. # ## ### Basic configuration options. ## $DEBUG = 0; $allowpoweredby = 1; $conffile = "./calendar.dat"; $defaultlocale = "C"; $poweredby = "Powered by Lunix Systems calendar.pl v$VERSION"; $scrcpyrgt = ""; $stackmark = ""; $weekstarts = 0; ## ### Linear Program Flow ## configurate(); emitcalendar(); closeupshop(); die("calendar.pl: Program flow past closeupshop(), hell must be frozen over!\n"); ## ### Overhead and Configuration ## sub configurate { # The configuration variables are globals... # Deal with some basic taint issues. delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"; # We need the mktime() and strftime() functions, and locale support. require 5.004; use POSIX qw(mktime); use POSIX qw(strftime); use POSIX qw(locale_h); # Emit calendar program copyright header and prime the html stack. print("\n"); tagopen($scrcpyrgt, $stackmark); # Read the configuration file. if ($ARGV[0]) { $conffile = $ARGV[0]; } open(CONFFILE, "<$conffile") || barf("Failed to open the config file!"); @conf = ; close(CONFFILE); chomp(@conf); # Parse the recognised configuration options. $months = 0; foreach $lineitem (@conf) { if ($lineitem =~ /^\s*allowpoweredby\s+/i) { # May the script emit its attribution tag? ($allowpoweredby = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*allowpoweredby\s+("?)(.*)\1.*$/$2/i; $allowpoweredby =~ s/.*(false)|(no)|(off).*/0/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*color\s+/i) { # Set the primary text color. ($color = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*color\s+"(.*)".*$/$1/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*copyright\s+/i) { # Set the content copyright comment emitted. ($copyright = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*copyright\s+"(.*)".*$/$1/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*define\s+/i) { # Define a calendar markup. my ($ignore, $defkey, $defcol, $deftxt, $defurl); ($ignore, $defkey, $defcol, $deftxt, $defurl) = ($lineitem =~ /"[^"]*"|\S+/g); map(s/"//g, ($defkey, $defcol, $deftxt, $defurl)); $defaults{$defkey} = {col => $defcol, txt => $deftxt, url => $defurl}; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*locale\s+/i) { # Locale selected for calendar output. ($locale = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*locale\s+"(\w*)".*$/$1/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*title\s+/i) { # Title of the calendar. ($title = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*title\s+"(.*)".*$/$1/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*weekstarts\s+/i) { ($weekstarts = $lineitem) =~ s/^\s*weekstarts\s+"(.*)".*$/$1/i; $weekstarts = weektonum($weekstarts); } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*month\s+/i) { # Month is ignored until the main loop. ++$months; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*\d+\s+/) { # Hilighted days are also ignored until later. } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*(?:#.*)*$/) { # Blank lines and comments are ignored. } else { # unknown option (bleh) $lineitem =~ s/\-{2,}/\-/g; $lineitem =~ y/<>/()/; tagopen(""); } } # Emit calendar contents copyright header. if ($copyright) { tagopen(""); } # We will use a locale if one was specified (else we'll use the default, probably "C"). if ($locale && setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale)) { tagopen(""); } else { setlocale(LC_TIME, $defaultlocale); } } ## ### Calendar Emission ## sub emitcalendar { my (@days, $curmonth, $lineitem); # Encapsulate the calendars in a table so the width is no more than needed. # NOTE: I hate all these tables, but show me how to make div format the same... tagopen("", "
"); # Calendar title emission (title is an optional config directive). if ($title) { emittitle(); } # Debugging calendar dump. if ($DEBUG) { emitdebugdump(); } # Loop on the months and print their calendar outputs. $curmonth = undef; foreach $lineitem (@conf) { if ($lineitem =~ /^\s*month\s+/i) { # We're starting a new month and finishing out the old one, if any. if ($curmonth) { emitmonth($curmonth, @days); } # Kill the last calendar. @days = undef; # Decide what month we're currently working on. ($curmonth = $lineitem) =~ s/\s*month\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*/$1 $2/i; } elsif ($lineitem =~ /^\s*\d+\s+/) { # Parse the markup info for this day and store in an array. my ($daynum, $daykey, $daytxt); ($daynum, $daykey, $daytxt) = ($lineitem =~ /"[^"]*"|\S+/g); map(s/"//g, ($daynum, $daykey, $daytxt)); if ($daynum > 0 && $daynum < 32) { $days[$daynum] = {dom => $daynum, key => $daykey, txt => $daytxt}; } } else { # Ignore anything that's not a calendar directive. } } # If no months specified, we'll print the current month. Feh. if ($months == 0 || !$curmonth) { $curmonth = strftime("%m %Y", localtime()); } # The last (only?) month is now queued; print it. emitmonth($curmonth, @days); # Last but least is the script attribution notice. if ($allowpoweredby) { emitpoweredby(); } # End the encapsulating table. tagclose(""); } ## ### Close Up Shop, We're Done ## sub closeupshop { # Main execution is now complete. This takes the place of ``tagclose($stackmark);''. $stacktop = shift(@htmlstack); if ($stacktop ne $stackmark) { # Stack is not unwound! print("\n\n\n"); print($stacktop, @htmlstack, "\n"); } else { print("\n", $stacktop, "\n"); } exit(0); } ## ### Title Emission ## sub emittitle { tagopen("", ""); tagopen("", ""); print($title); tagclose(""); tagclose(""); } ## ### Single Month Emission ## sub emitmonth { my ($curmonth, @days) = @_; # Open table row containing this month. tagopen("", ""); # Emit the calendar part of this month. tagopen("", ""); emitcalside($curmonth, @days); tagclose(""); # Emit the events part of this month. tagopen("", ""); emitevtside($curmonth, @days); tagclose(""); # Close table row containing this month. tagclose(""); } ## ### Emit Single Month Calendar Portion ## sub emitcalside { my ($curmonth, @days) = @_; my (@cal, $wkd, $tdc); # The calendar is wrapped in a formatting table. tagopen("", "
"); # Get the localised calendar description... @cal = getcalendar($curmonth); # The title of the calendar is the month name, in $cal[0]. tagopen("", ""); tagopen("", ""); print($cal[0]); tagclose(""); tagclose(""); # Next the day name headers... tagopen("", ""); foreach $wkd (@{$cal[1]}) { tagopen("", ""); print($wkd); tagclose(""); } tagclose(""); # Get ready to spit out the main calendar table. tagopen("", ""); if ($cal[2]) { # Padding may be needed before the first day. tagopen("", ""); tagclose(""); } # Output the actual month days of this calendar. for (my $dofm = 1; $dofm <= $cal[3]; ++$dofm) { my (%day, %def, $frgcol, $bkgcol); # Check if we need to split the table rows now. if ($dofm > 1 && (($dofm + $cal[2]) % 7 == 1)) { tagclose(""); tagopen("", ""); } # Get the info on this day. %day = %{$days[$dofm]}; %def = %{$defaults{$day{"key"}}}; # Can we do the markup for this day, if any? if ($day{"key"} && $def{"col"}) { # Mark the day up for display. $frgcol = $def{"col"}; $bkgcol = scalecolor($frgcol, 85); tagopen("", ""); } else { # Output the day as a default unmarked day. tagopen("", ""); } print($dofm); tagclose(""); } # Clean up after outputting the main calendar table. $tdc = 7 - (($cal[2] + $cal[3]) % 7); if ($tdc < 7) { # Padding may be needed after the last day. tagopen("", ""); tagclose(""); } tagclose(""); # End of the formatting table. tagclose(""); } ## ### Emit Single Month Events Portion ## sub emitevtside { my ($curmonth, @days) = @_; my ($day); # The events are wrapped in a formatting table. tagopen("", "
"); # Iterate through the entire set of markups for this month. foreach $day (@days) { my (%day, %def, $frgcol, $bkgcol); %day = %$day; %def = %{$defaults{$day{"key"}}}; # Set up our working colors. $frgcol = $def{"col"}; $bkgcol = scalecolor($frgcol, 85); if ($def{"txt"} || $day{"txt"} || $def{"url"}) { # Open the table row for this day. tagopen("", ""); # Output the day of the month (leftmost cell). tagopen("", ""); print($day{"dom"}); tagclose(""); # Output the various informations (right cell). tagopen("", ""); # The default text for this class of day. if ($def{"txt"}) { print($def{"txt"}); if ($day{"txt"} || $def{"url"}) { tagopen("
"); } } # The specific text for this day. if ($day{"txt"}) { print($day{"txt"}); if ($def{"url"}) { tagopen("
"); } } # The default URL information for this class. if ($def{"url"}) { tagopen("", ""); print($def{"url"}); tagclose(""); } # Close the cell and close the table row. tagclose(""); tagclose(""); } } # End of the formatting table. tagclose(""); } ## ### Emit Script Attribution, a.k.a. Powered-By Notice ## sub emitpoweredby { my ($fadcol); # Pick our color. if (!$color) { $fadcol = "#7f7f7f"; } else { $fadcol = scalecolor($color, 50); } # Emit the powered by notice in the bottom segment of the main table. tagopen("", ""); tagopen("", ""); print($poweredby); tagclose(""); tagclose(""); } ## ### Support Functions ## # # Functions for when something goes wrong. # # barf() is what we do on critical errors sub barf { my (@message) = @_; # Tell the user what's up. print("\n\n
The calendar script has failed for the following reason:"); print("\n
'", @message, "'"); print("\n
Please alert the web site administrator!\n
\n\n"); # Unwind the html stack. print(@htmlstack, "\n"); # We have barfed. Exit. exit(0); } # emitdebugdump() is intended to provide really basic info on the running calendar.pl sub emitdebugdump { my (@calendar, $temp); # TEMP? - well, for testing, heh... @calendar = getcalendar("oct 2003"); # Dump a bunch of crap into the display table just below the title. tagopen("", ""); tagopen("", ""); print("

. calendar.pl debug dump follows .

\n"); print("

"); ($temp = $color) =~ y/<>/()/; print("color = \"$temp\"
\n"); ($temp = $copyright) =~ y/<>/()/; print("copyright = \"$temp\"
\n"); ($temp = $defaultlocale) =~ y/<>/()/; print("defaultlocale = \"$temp\"
\n"); ($temp = $locale) =~ y/<>/()/; print("locale = \"$temp\"
\n"); ($temp = $title) =~ y/<>/()/; print("title = \"$temp\"
\n"); ($temp = $weekstarts) =~ y/<>/()/; print("weekstarts = \"$temp\""); print("

\n"); print("

toparray::", join(":", @calendar), "::

\n"); print("

subarray::", join(":", @{$calendar[1]}), "::

\n"); tagclose(""); tagclose(""); } # # Functions for color space management. # # scalecolor() scales a color to the specified brightness percentage sub scalecolor { my ($colorig, $colpct) = @_; my ($colscld, $colrat, $currat, $satpct); my (@crgb, $maxrat3, $maxrat6); # These represent the maximum combined brightness for each size of color. $maxrat3 = 15 + 15 + 15; $maxrat6 = 255 + 255 + 255; # The scaling must be a valid percentage of the max ratio. if ($colpct < 0) { $colpct = 0; } if ($colpct > 100) { $colpct = 100; } # We deal in properly formed colors. if ($colorig =~ /^[[:xdigit:]]{3}/i) { $colorig = "#" . $colorig; } # Now the hard work of actually scaling the color. if ($colorig =~ /#[[:xdigit:]]{3}/) { # It's a color we should be able to scale... if ($colorig =~ /#[[:xdigit:]]{6}/) { $colrat = $maxrat6 * $colpct / 100; @crgb = ($colorig =~ /[[:xdigit:]]{2}/g); } else { $colrat = $maxrat3 * $colpct / 100; @crgb = ($colorig =~ /[[:xdigit:]]{1}/g); } map($_ = hex($_), @crgb); $currat = $crgb[0] + $crgb[1] + $crgb[2]; # Select between reducing value(-ish) and increasing saturation. if ($currat > $colrat) { # Reduce value (not exactly value; I like this better). map($_ = int($_ * $colrat / $currat), @crgb); if ($colorig =~ /#[[:xdigit:]]{6}/) { $colscld = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", @crgb); } else { $colscld = sprintf("#%01x%01x%01x", @crgb); } } elsif ($currat < $colrat) { # Increase saturation. if ($colorig =~ /#[[:xdigit:]]{6}/) { $satpct = ($colrat - $currat) / ($maxrat6 - $currat); map($_ = int($_ + $satpct * (255 - $_)), @crgb); $colscld = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", @crgb); } else { $satpct = ($colrat - $currat) / ($maxrat3 - $currat); map($_ = int($_ + $satpct * (15 - $_)), @crgb); $colscld = sprintf("#%01x%01x%01x", @crgb); } } else { $colscld = $colorig; } } else { # We don't know how to deal with this color. Ah, well. $colscld = $colorig; } $colscld; } # # Functions for date discovery and manipulation. # # getcalendar() returns a a list of data needed to construct a one-month calendar # The data returned is: [$ name hdr][@ week hdrs][$ 1st dy of wk][$ lst dy of mo] sub getcalendar { my ($month) = @_; my ($year, @tm, @caldat, @adndat); $year = $month; # Find the numerical digits representing month and year. $month = monthtonum($month); $year =~ s/^\s*\S*\s*(\d+)\s*$/$1/; # This function uses the locale! use locale; # Find out the day-of-week name abbreviations (01/01/1978 was a Sunday). @tm = localtime(mktime(0, 0, 12, 1 + $weekstarts, 0, 78)); for (my $counter = 0; $counter < 7; ++$counter) { push(@adndat, strftime("%a", @tm)); ++$tm[3]; @tm = localtime(mktime(@tm)); } $caldat[1] = \@adndat; # Create a time struct describing the first day of this month. @tm = (0, 0, 12, 1, $month, $year - 1900); @tm = localtime(mktime(@tm)); # Find the localized long month name and decimal year for this month. $caldat[0] = strftime("%B %Y", @tm); # This would happen automatically at the end of this code block... no locale; # Determine the first day of the week for this month. $caldat[2] = ($tm[6] - $weekstarts) % 7; # Determine how many days long the month is. $tm[3] = 28; while ($tm[3] >= 28 && scalar(@tm)) { $caldat[3] = $tm[3]; ++$tm[3]; @tm = localtime(mktime(@tm)); } # @caldat is returned; format is: # [$ name hdr][@ week hdrs][$ 1st dy of wk][$ lst dy of mo] @caldat; } # monthtonum() converts the a month name to a number (0..11) sub monthtonum { my ($monthname) = @_; my (%monthcon, $monthyear, $monthnum); # Currently we ignore the year value here... $monthyear = $monthname; $monthyear =~ s/^\s*\S*\s*(\d+)\s*$/$1/; # The month needs to become a number 0..11 now... $monthname =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*\d*\s*$/$1/; if ($monthname =~ /^\d+$/) { # If it's already a number, it will be in 1..12 so decrement it. $monthnum = ($monthname + 11) % 12; } else { # Otherwise, we'll do a hash lookup on the first three letters. %monthcon = (jan => 0, feb => 1, mar => 2, apr => 3, may => 4, jun => 5, jul => 6, aug => 7, sep => 8, oct => 9, nov => 10, dec => 11); $monthname =~ s/^\s*(.{3}).*$/\L$1\E/; $monthnum = 0 + $monthcon{$monthname}; } $monthnum; } # weektonum() converts a week day name to a number sub weektonum { ($weeknam) = @_; my (%weekcon, $weeknum); # The week needs to become a number 0..6 now... if ($weeknam =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) { # If it's already a number, it will be in 1..7 so decrement it. ($weeknum = $weeknam) =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/$1/; $weeknum = ($weeknum + 6) % 7; } elsif ($weeknam =~ /^\s*[[:alpha:]]{3,}\s*$/) { # Otherwise, we'll do a hash lookup on the first three letters. %weekcon = (sun => 0, mon => 1, tue => 2, wed => 3, thu => 4, fri => 5, sat => 6); $weeknam =~ s/^\s*(.{3}).*$/\L$1\E/; $weeknum = 0 + $weekcon{$weeknam}; } else { # If all else fails, Sunday! $weeknum = 0; } $weeknum; } # # Functions for HTML stack management. # # tagopen() prints an html tag and winds it onto the stack sub tagopen { my ($tago, $tagc) = @_; print("\n$tago\n"); if ($tagc) { unshift(@htmlstack, $tagc); } } # tagclose() closes an html tag and unwinds it from the stack sub tagclose { my ($tagv) = @_; my ($tagc); $tagc = shift(@htmlstack); if (!($tagv) || $tagv eq $tagc) { print("\n$tagc\n"); } else { print("\n\n"); unshift(@htmlstack, $tagc); } }